Sponsor the traveling Scoutingmuseum for FREE !

Do you ever buy online? Then don't forget to visit https://www.sponsorkliks.com/ next time.
Via the Sponsorkliks button you will arrive at more than 300 shops where you will continue to pay exactly the same, but a committee will then go to the traveling scouting museum.

So you sponsor us for free !



Contact Details:

Mailing address :                                           
Traveling Scoutingmuseum p/a 
Debussystraat 71
4102 AR Culemborg
Mail : 
info at reizendscoutingmuseum.nl  ( at = @
Mobil : 
+31 6 109 288 16
Bank account :
NL88 RABO 0127 901 604
To the name of the Traveling Scoutingmuseum



Monday 17 March 2025