We would like to let you enjoy our collection here, which we can expand and show through your donations. Of course this is only a limited overview of what we have and can show in our depot, it is therefore always interesting to come back to take a look. 

To hear the story behind the object, please contact us or walk into our tent / stand when we are present at an event 



The Website of the Traveling Scouting Museum is very dynamic, and is getting a lot of updates, so please check back regularly to see what we have been able to add to the whole.





Sponsor the Traveling Scouting Museum with your purchases, it costs you nothing extra, and we receive a nice commission.

Click on the Logo to start.

Or open this page


Contact Details:

Mailing address :                                           
Traveling Scoutingmuseum p/a 
Debussystraat 71
4102 AR Culemborg
Mail : 
info at reizendscoutingmuseum.nl  ( at = @
Mobil : 
+31 6 109 288 16
Bank account :
NL88 RABO 0127 901 604
To the name of the Traveling Scoutingmuseum



Friday 25 October 2024