A friend of the museum is:
> A friend who helps us in the Depot with different jobs
> Who pays an annual friend contribution of € 25.-
> Friends help, if they can, with loading and unloading the truck during events
> Have made material and knowledge available for exhibitions
> Like to go to an event every now and then and tell people about the exhibition we have there.
> They pass on ideas from or about events or jobs.
> Are essential for the museum.
Would you like to become a friend too? Send a message to the secretariat: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (at=@)
We have many friends at the museum, and we really need them. Why? Thanks to the contribution of the friends, it is possible to maintain and grow the collection. Management and conservation are increasingly costing the museum time and money.
We have stored the collection in our Depot in Oosterhout near Breda. We work from there, unfortunately no exhibition space, but we continue. We continue to make tailor made exhibitions, give advice and go to the people.
But for that we need friends and money,........ lots of friends and money!
> Support our work by also becoming a friend of the museum.
By depositing € 25 (per year) to Bank number BIC: RABONL2U ** IBAN : NL88RABO0127901604 in the name of the Traveling Scouting Museum you support our work and the museum. As a friend you will receive the newsletter (s) every year, which contains all activities
You can also become a friend of the museum as a Scouting group / association. As a group you pay € 35, - and you are also invited to the Friends Jamboree. In addition, as a group, you will receive priority for multiple requests for exhibitions.
Donations are always welcome also the amounts of € 5,00 or € 10,00 and it does not commit you to anything, but we are also very happy with it.
> Friends Jamboree for friends and volunteers
Every year we also organize a 'Friends Jamboree' for all volunteers and friends of the museum, due to lack of space at a different location. Have a cup of tea / coffee together, catch up, see old acquaintances. In addition, you can of course take a look at the special exhibition.